Data Book Covers
Data Book Covers
Editorial concept (and an algorithm!)
This is a speculative projects we've down with your friend Paolo Iabichino - former Chief Creative Officer at Ogilvy.
One of Paolo’s new endeavors, Lead & Read, every week reviews a recent essay that offers a lucid and critical interpretation of our contemporary world.
To support it, at Accurat we have created an editorial concept (and an algorithm!) that scans the book and extracts and represents dozens of keywords about digital culture and communication and determines how they are used semantically in the book. The algorithm automatically generates the data-book-covers that you see in the images.
Check it out (still only in Italian) at
The ultimate purpose of this experiment is to make natural language processing technologies accessible to a non-expert audience, that can use them to quickly analyze documents, transcripts, books and all sorts of text-based contents and output the result of this analysis in form of dataset or visualization.
“Futuro + Umano” - Legend
“People Watching” Legend